Some notes for PHL100

Craig DeLancey

These are pdfs of our class PowerPoints:
Branches of Philosophy. Methods of Philosophy. Updated 5 September 2020.

Can we have certain knowledge? Updated 5 September 2020.

Can we prove there is a god? Updated 29 September 2021.

Are we free? Updated 13 October 2020.

Is the mind a body process? Updated 13 October 2020.

What should one do? (Our ethics notes.) Updated 2 November 2019.

Do we, or does history or the universe, have a purpose? Revised 2 December 2019.

Here are some notes from older, very different versions of PHL100. I include them because you might find some of them relevant.


Aquinas's Five Ways

Other arguments for the existence of God

Background on epistemology and the Theatetus

Descartes, Meditations 1 and 2

Descartes, Meditation 3

Descartes, Meditation 4

Scientific Method

Descartes Meditation 5

Descartes Meditation 6

Smart on Materialism

Turing and the Turing Test

Free Will

Ethics introduction

The Euthyphro Argument

Mill's utilitarianism

Sartrean Existentialism

Some very brief notes about Contract Theory

Some very brief notes about Environmental Ethics and Bioethics